Mit flatbee sparst Du die gesamte provision

Wohnung - 1100 Wien, Davidgasse - 51.44 m2  

Gesamtmiete inkl. Betriebskosten € 540

Preis-Barometer: -38% günstiger als ähnliche Immobilien in gleicher Lage


Dies ist ein Flatbee Plus+ Inserat

Newly renovated apartment


The apartment has a usable area of 51,44 square meters and we would rent it out for 540,00 per month.
(There are also operating costs of approx. € 350 and electricity cost.) The apartment is heated with local heating.
The apartment has windows facing Libnizgasse.
The kitchen is (as can be seen in the picture) fully furnished, in the living room there is a table with armchairs, in the bedroom there is a queen size bed and there is a separate closet room. There is a separate bathroom and toilet.
We hope that the photos provide a good overview of the apartment and are of course happy to take a viewing if you are interested.
The building is close U1, tram 0, 6 and 11, and many buses.


Kontaktmöglichkeiten, Quellen und weitere Informationen sind nur mit Flatbee Plus+ Zugang verfügbar.

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